Course Outline
Leaders direct the management of the educational institution, set out and fulfill its mission and vision. Leaders strategically manage the institution’s processes, aided by a well-established quality assurance system in which it participates.
Leadership plays an important role in the strategic direction of Quality Assurance and is instrumental in creating the conditions for a ‘Quality First’ organisation with a true Quality Culture. In order to fulfill this role, Leaders need to have a good understanding of what leadership means in a globalised world – that it includes creating an overall attitude throughout the institution of striving for continuous improvements on all levels; that ‘quality’ comes from those who create education as well as all stakeholders involved in it .
This workshop serves as a tool to be competent as a Leader.
Learning Outcome:
The workshop will help the student to critically analyse the required key performance indicators to be able to conclude what sources of evidence are required and be capable of auditing Probity through a toolkit. The workshop will also concentrate on Change Management.