Academic Integrity and Freedom Policy
Admissions Procedure
Complaints Policy
Data Protection Policy
Enquiries and Appeals Procedure
Equality and Diversity Policy
IQAC Policy
Maladministration and Malpractice
Quality Assurance Manual
Quality Planning Procedure
Recognition of Prior Learning Procedure
Student Handbook 2023/2024
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The Edinburgh Business School MBA programme is the world’s largest. It attracts more students from more countries than any other…
The VAT Compliance Diploma is ideal for anyone who works in tax, commerce or professional services or has an interest in tax and is looking for an entry-level qualification. This benefits both the employer and the individual as it ensures that staff are properly trained in VAT Compliance work.
While broadly equivalent to a PhD, EBS DBA has a more direct relevancy to the needs of the real business world; it will enable you to use research methods to define, implement and evaluate issues facing your organization.